the LG brand officially released the LG Velvet mobile phone, which received a lot of attention with its peculiar lens design. On May 9, the GSMArena website broke the news that they got information from the well-known breaking news EvanBlass, the information shows that LG brand another unreleased new machine is LG Stylo 6. Before this LG Stylo 6 phone was exposed, there has been no news of this series of models on the Internet for a long time.
LG Stylo 6

Last year, the LG brand released the Stylo 5 phone. From the current news, the successor of the phone is likely to debut in the near future. As can be seen from the pictures published on the website, LG Stylo 6 and the previous generation products have a completely different design. The front is a screen with a water drop design. The left and right borders seem wider than the previous generation products. Physical fingerprint identification module. From the above appearance guess, the machine should be an entry-level mobile phone.

LG Stylo 6 renderings (see watermark for source)

  In addition, in addition to the above design, from the bottom view of this phone, you also see a relatively large opening area, guess is used to place the stylus. Presumably LG has equipped this new phone with a stylus, allowing users to enter content more easily on the large screen.

  In other respects, the date of May 18 is displayed on the screen of the LG Stylo 6 phone, and some netizens speculate that the machine may be officially unveiled on this date.